
Nutrition and hydration at the workplace




In the modern workplace, where desk jobs often involve long hours of sitting and intense focus, paying attention to your nutrition and hydration can be a game-changer. Here’s how to use these elements to maximize your productivity, mood, and overall well-being.

1. Mastering Caloric Balance: Eat Just Right

Achieving the right caloric balance is essential for sustaining energy levels throughout your workday. Eating too few calories can lead to fatigue and decreased concentration, while consuming too many can result in sluggishness and weight gain in the long term.

To find your sweet spot, calculate your daily caloric needs based on factors like age, sex, and your activity level. The goal is to consume enough calories to support your energy expenditure without overloading your system.

This balance helps you stay alert and productive without the uncomfortable fullness or energy crashes that come from overeating.

This can be just a guideline until it becomes a habit and you know how much you need to eat in order to stay healthy and not lose or gain weight.

2. Prioritize Quality Foods: Impact on Hormones, Digestion Satiety, and Mood

What you eat is just as important as how much you eat. Quality foods such as lean proteins, eggs, fruits, vegetables and whole grains play a significant role in regulating hormones, satiety, and mood.

Here’s why quality matters:

  • Hormonal Balance: Nutrient-rich foods help regulate hormones related to hunger and stress.
  • Digestion: Your body knows how to deal with natural foods the best, it’s the highly processed ones that are causing all the issues.
  • Satiety: Foods high in fiber, such as vegetables and whole grains, increase feelings of fullness, which can prevent overeating and help maintain a steady energy level.
  • Mood Enhancement: Essential vitamins and minerals like B vitamins and vitamin D are vital for neurotransmitter function and can positively affect mood and cognitive function.

3. Hydration: The cornerstone of wellbeing

Staying hydrated is fundamental to maintaining peak performance in your life. Water is essential for nearly every bodily function, including cognitive processes, energy metabolism, and temperature regulation.

Simply drinking a lot of water won’t cut it.

Without carbohydrates (they help you hydrate – it’s in their name) and electrolytes, you would not achieve proper hydration since water binds to these elements and stays in your body for longer. 

Try and find the right balance of electrolytes and water in your day by starting small and see how your body reacts.

4. Supplement Wisely: Test Before You Invest

If you suspect that you might need additional supplements, the best approach is to start with a blood test. This can help identify any deficiencies and allow you to target your supplementation effectively.

For example, a blood test might reveal a deficiency in vitamin D or iron, guiding you to choose appropriate supplements without guessing.

Benefits of this approach:

  • Precision: Tailor your supplements to your specific needs rather than relying on general recommendations.
  • Avoid Overuse: Prevent taking unnecessary supplements, which can lead to imbalances or potential side effects.

As with everything, finding the right balance is the key. If you overdo it in any of the previously mentioned steps your body will be quick to tell you. 

Listen to your body and track what you ingest until it becomes a habit and it will thank you for it.